Collection: California White Sage

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California White Sage

Sage has a long and storied history as a medicinal plant, from its use as a fertility aid in ancient Egypt to recent studies suggesting its potential benefits to enhance cognitive ability.

California White Sage is a 40-acre ranch near San Diego where sage grows naturally. Owned and operated by Robin Taylor, the companyโ€™s fields sprawl along the coastal region of San Diego County and Baja California, Mexico. The company began cultivating white sage in its native environment more than a decade ago and has been producing organically grown, sustainably harvested products since. The farm is far enough from urban areas to have fresh air without pollution, and the water has unique minerals which are required for white sage to thrive; water that originally flushed the roots of desert plants before it became part of the natural aquifers in the region. The companyโ€™s plants reach full maturity and are only harvested after being established for at least one year. They employ experienced hand harvesters who gather without destroying the plants, mindfully monitoring their fields and taking care to never over harvest. Their crew selects a small section from each plant, returning to cut after the plant has recovered from the previous yield. Growing at their own field allows them to offer a constant inventory. They supplement the naturally occurring dormant time of year for wild plants by choosing from their irrigated crops of white sage.

California White Sage is the only certified organic growers of white sage in the US with certification from both the U.S. Agriculture (USDA) and the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF).